Managing Director
Greetings from the Board of Directors of Patrons Foundation of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine . We are excited to share with you our plans to implement the old proverb, “Charity Begins at Home,” by growing the Patrons Foundation mission. We especially reach out to graduates who have benefited from our educational environment, leading to their career success. As times change, we need your support to ensure that future alumni have the skills to follow your successful career paths.
As donors to the Foundation, we seek your input and feedback as your careers focus on private and industrial practice, research, and government services. Charity, as recognized in Webster’s Dictionary, is the act of being generous and helpful, especially toward the needy—an act of benevolence and goodwill toward humanity.
Along with the numerous distinguished educational and scientific achievements of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Tehran University, both emeritus and active faculty members seek to elevate the level of excellence surrounding the faculty. We recognize that forming a Foundation, seeking the generosity of donors, and applying resources to address urgent needs is the way to achieve this. Acts of charity can change a person’s life, giving them peace and tranquility amid academic challenges.
After broad discussions among the faculty, it is clear that our needs can be met by focusing on the mission to create a charitable foundation. This foundation will serve as a vehicle for donors to support needy students, improve and expand our building’s capacity, and enhance access to educational supplies. By focusing on this mission, donors can channel resources to the Foundation to ensure that the faculty meets the challenge of adequately supporting the current and future training needs for veterinarians, animal care, and veterinary research.
At this time, we recognize the need for additional financial support so that students can complete their studies and pursue professional tracks that meet the country’s needs. With a charitable focus, donors can demonstrate generosity by reaching out to the needy who face personal financial limitations. Graduates from these challenging circumstances, supported by generous donations, can combine their background with academic and professional success to serve otherwise underserved areas. The disposition of benevolent goodwill toward others is a hallmark of veterinarians and is reflected in every donation.
Similarly, the faculty’s building faces maintenance and modernization expenses that sometimes exceed available resources. Donations to address these concerns demonstrate a commitment to meet today’s needs with today’s resources. The facility also requires increased availability of educational supplies to address inflation and the needs of contemporary veterinary practice education.
At this time, the faculty calls on everyone to help support the Foundation and fund it to meet current and future needs. We need significant, generous donations to the Foundation to modernize laboratories, acquire new equipment, and establish educational hospitals for both large and small animals. Your support will sustain our mission to graduate world-class veterinarians and continue to produce impactful, evidence-based research.